5 Dental Emergency myths that can compromise your oral health
April 11, 2023
Dentistry myths are unhelpful and can actually do more damage to your oral & general health. What should you do in a dental emergency in Puyallup? Read More

Dental emergencies are nothing new - people have always had teeth fall out or get knocked out, have broken or damaged teeth on food and have needed emergency dental treatment. As dentistry has progressed, treatment has become more sophisticated, as we understand more about how our teeth work and what the best thing to do is in the case of a dental emergency. However, there are still many myths about dentistry and teeth, particularly when it comes to what to do in a dental emergency. Dentistry myths can not only be unhelpful but can actually do more damage to a person’s oral and general health. So what should do you in a dental emergency in Puyallup? Here are five dentistry myths can actually compromise your oral health in a dental emergency.
What is a dental emergency?
A dental emergency in Puyallup will typically be a problem with your teeth that requires immediate or urgent dental attention. Dental emergencies can be painful and come with other symptoms, such as bleeding and swelling, but don’t necessarily involve pain. Dental emergencies include things like:
- A knocked-out tooth
- A broken, chipped or cracked tooth in a dental trauma
- Severe dental pain, often accompanied by swelling or bleeding
- Dental and gum abscesses and infections
It’s important to say that whilst some dental emergencies are unavoidable, such as an accident or injury involving the teeth, others are entirely preventable. Understanding how to care for your teeth can prevent issues from developing into complicated cases that need urgent attention. We wanted to debunk five common dentistry myths that are unhelpful when it comes to looking after your oral health in Puyallup.
Myth 1: Dental infections can clear up on their own
This is a dentistry myth that we come across a lot here at our dental clinic in Puyallup - the reality is, dental infections don’t just go away without any form of professional treatment. They need to be treated and any cavities closed to prevent further damage to the tooth. So why do people think this myth is true? Well, sometimes when you have a dental infection it can cause toothache at the start of the infection. As it spreads into the tooth root, it can kill off nerves. This isn’t a sign that the infection has gone away but it can temporarily end the pain. The problem is that what is actually happening in your tooth is that the infection is spreading further and deeper into your root and gums. If left untreated this can lead to gum disease and the loss of the tooth.
Myth 2: A tooth partially knocked out can be planted back into the socket and doesn’t need to be seen by a dentist
The problem with this dentistry myth is that it has taken a fact and then created a myth. So firstly, if you have a tooth partially knocked out, or even completely knocked out, it may be possible, depending on the circumstances, for the tooth to be planted back into the socket. This can save your tooth and avoid costly dental treatment. However, this should always be done by a dentist. If your tooth is knocked out, you should follow immediate guidance and visit a dentist. This is because although it may look like your tooth can easily be planted back in the socket, you don’t know what else may have been damaged. Visiting a dentist in Puyallup as soon as possible will mean you may be able to have the tooth planted back into the socket, and also get any necessary support or temporary splint, and have a thorough check-up of any other damage done.
Myth 3: If a child’s baby tooth is accidentally knocked out it can be left till the adult tooth comes out
How you deal with children’s dental emergencies can be vital to ensuring they maintain a healthy smile for life. A common myth is that, since baby teeth will come out anyway, it is acceptable to leave a knocked-out baby tooth until the permanent tooth comes through. Why is this a dentistry myth? As with the previous point, only a professionally trained and skilled dentist can see what has really happened in your child’s mouth in the process of the tooth being knocked out. In some cases an injury like this can affect how a child’s jaw and bite develop, causing problems later in life. If your child has a dental emergency, such as having a tooth knocked out, or even a really bad fall where the impact was on the teeth, it is really important that you visit a dentist, and where possible taking the tooth with you.
Myth 4: Toothache is the ONLY reason to see a dentist
As we have already discussed, toothache isn’t the only sign that something is wrong with your teeth and gums. It is perfectly possible to have a serious dental infection and not to have any pain associated with it. If you have an infection that has not yet reached the nerve, or just a small cavity, acting quickly can help to avoid the need for more complex treatment and can even save the tooth.
A common dentistry myth is to do nothing, if nothing is bothering you. This is one of the biggest myths in dentistry and one of the main reasons why patients end up needing more complex treatment, such as root canal treatment. It’s really important to have regular dental check-ups to maintain your healthy smile. At every dental checkup, the health of your teeth and gums is measured, so any changes, however subtle can be picked up and preventive action can be taken.
By visiting your dentist and hygienist regularly in Puyallup you can avoid oral health concerns developing. You can also get advice on cleaning and hygiene routines to address any developing issues.
Myth 5: Mouth guards are not really necessary in sports
The final dentistry myth is really important for children, teens and adults alike - a lot of dental traumas are caused by accidents and injuries in sports. Wearing a mouthguard is a really important method of protecting your teeth during sport. According to the American Dental Association, between 10-20% of sports injuries in children are to the mouth area. The National Youth Sports Foundation for Safety stresses the importance of wearing a mouthguard during sports, stating that people not wearing a mouthguard have a much higher risk of having their teeth damaged, either temporarily or permanently. Investing in a custom made mouthguard can save you costly treatment in the future and can protect the health of your teeth and gums.

Why should you choose South Hill Dental for your dental emergency?
The reality is there will still be dental emergencies, even if you are caring for your oral and dental health. Accidents happen and when they do it’s important to act fast and to choose a dentist with the right experience and skillset to treat your smile.
Read this to discover ten reasons why you should choose South Hill Dental in Puyallup for your dental emergency treatment: